As the squad prepares to attack the church, Wafner attempts to escape, and fatally shoots Chase. Wafner refuses to explain what the serum does, even as Ford tortures him. Chloe treats Rosenfeld's wounds and Boyce explains everything he saw in the church. When Boyce and Rosenfeld get back to Chloe's house, Tibbet and Chase have already returned. Boyce frees him and they escape through the base's sewers. Boyce takes a syringe containing the serum and discovers Rosenfeld, another member of the paratrooper squad, who was captured alive. Sneaking out of the truck, Boyce discovers an underground base that houses not only a radio operating room, but also a laboratory where the Germans perform various experiments on the French villagers involving a mysterious serum and a large pit filled with black tar. He is chased by a dog and escapes by jumping into the back of a Nazi truck carrying dead bodies into the church. Ford is forced to follow suit and incapacitates and restrains Wafner.Īttempting to reach the rendezvous point to look for Tibbet and Chase, Boyce witnesses the Nazis burning disfigured village residents with flamethrowers. Boyce cannot ignore this and interrupts the Nazi officer. Wafner sends his men away and proceeds to coerce Chloe for sex, threatening to send her brother to the church to be "fixed". After Tibbet and Chase depart to check the scheduled rendezvous site, a Nazi patrol led by SS Hauptsturmführer Wafner visits Chloe. Chloe lives with her 8-year-old brother Paul and her aunt, who has been disfigured by Nazi experiments taking place in the church. The team continues onward and meets Chloe, a young woman from the village where the church is located. Four survivors remain: second in command Corporal Ford, Pfc.
Rensin, are killed either in the crash or by Nazi soldiers and landmines. Their plane is shot down and crashes, and most of the squad, including squad leader Sgt. On the eve of D-Day, a paratrooper squad, most of them in an integrated unit, is sent to destroy a German radio-jamming tower in an old church. ( November 2021) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message) Please help improve it by removing unnecessary details and making it more concise. This article's plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed.